
Welcome to the third annual HiFunMat conference.

This year, the conference will take place in Strasbourg, at the Ecole Européen d'ingénieurs de chimie, polymères et matériaux (ECPM) on the campus of Cronenbourg. 

The program will offer you a full and varied day of high-quality presentations from external speakers and HiFunMat members, a poster session, and plenty of time to meet other members, (re)discover each other research themes, so that new collaborations and innovative ideas can emerge.



All HiFunMat research projects aim to push forward the development of the next generation of materials: from the synthesis of building blocks, their assembly in two and three-dimensional structures, studying and tuning of the properties of the materials, their interaction with light, and the mimicking of natural materials.

Such research projects have a strong interdisciplinary character. For example, the design, development, and characterization of new materials usually cross different research fields. 

This conference will cover all the research axes of HiFunMat :

    Axis I:   Design and synthesis of elementary molecular building blocks
    Axis II:  Development of finely controlled surfaces to obtain adaptable and reversible properties
    Axis III: Development of hierarchically structured materials, with fine control at different scales
    Axis IV: Development of new strategies for shaping, modifying and characterizing materials by various types of radiation
    Axis V:  Design of new biomimetic, biodegradable, active, self-healing, responsive, life-like materials



Call for papers

In addition to talks from external speakers (1 from academia and one from industry), HiFunMat members from research teams joining the ITI for the second term, are invited to present their teams and own research.

The program is completed by your contributions. Do not hesitate to submit abstracts for poster and/or poster presentations. This is an excellent opportunity for PhD students to present their work, and for our permanent members to make new connections and collaborations.


Registration is free but mandatory. So do not wait to register !

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